Ensure A Safe & Disinfected Learning Environment

Educational facilities need to provide a safe, clean and healthy environment for people to learn. Whether it’s an elementary school or a university, students should be able to focus on the subject matter at hand and should never be at risk of picking up germs or bacteria. The company of cleans systematic approach to cleaning educational facilities helps protect the health of your students and your staff. From daily cleaning to high-level disinfecting, we offer all levels of service to fit your needs and budget. We’ll also help you stay compliant with all regulations and standards.

What Do School Cleaners Do?

School cleaners typically perform a variety of cleaning duties to keep school buildings safe, clean and pleasant for staff, students and visitors. This may include dusting, vacuuming, mopping, wiping down surfaces, emptying waste bins, polishing furniture, cleaning bathrooms, windows and doors, and more.

How Do You Deep Clean A Classroom?

Education Cleaning FAQ

Depending on the size and type of facility, a regular cleaning schedule could range from weekly to monthly. We recommend having your space professionally evaluated so that we can develop an optimal cleaning plan for you.

Our top priority is providing a safe environment for learning, which is why all our cleaners are trained and certified in using non-toxic, EPA approved chemicals designed specifically for reducing bacterial growth without leaving any harsh odors or residues behind. All safety regulations will always be followed when performing services at your school/institution.


We specialize in comprehensive education facility cleanings that include vacuuming, mopping and sanitizing all surfaces as well as deep cleans such as furniture upholstery steam-cleaning or grout restoration. You can also add on additional services like carpet shampooing or window washing to suite the needs at your educational system’s premises even further.

Benefits Of The company of cleans

Preschools & Daycares

Young children can easily spread germs, which is why their environments need to be routinely cleaned and disinfected to protect them and others. Ensure daycare centers and preschools are clean, sanitized and disinfected with comprehensive cleaning services from The company of cleans. From classrooms, bathrooms, staff breakrooms, hallways and more, our preschool and daycare cleaning experts can clean it all.

K-12 Schools

A clean and safe school can help to minimize student and teacher sick days, resulting in a better learning experience for everyone. Keep your school clean and healthy with professional school cleaning services from The company of cleans. Let teachers and students stay focused on learning and leave the cleaning to us.


ENSURE YOUR LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IS SAFE. Call us at 1300 628 984 to schedule your Educational Facility Cleaning.

Colleges & Universities

Improve the learning environment for students, professors, and staff with immaculately cleaned and disinfected buildings and facilities. Our university cleaning specialists have the experience and expertise to efficiently clean frequently used areas like classrooms, science labs, offices and more.

We offer a comprehensive list of services such as vacuuming carpets and rugs, mopping floors, dusting furniture, wiping windows and window sills, sanitizing bathrooms and kitchens, and disposing of trash. Our staff is trained to use the latest cleaning methods and products to ensure that the environment is safe, healthy, and comfortable for everyone.

Our team uses the latest technology to track and monitor the progress of our cleaning efforts to ensure that our services meet the highest standards of cleanliness. In addition, our team is always available to answer any questions or concerns that you may have regarding our services.

Reliable School Cleaning

The cleaning of school facilities presents various obstacles, as cleanliness and sanitation are not always top of mind for students who are more focused on their studies than on the hygiene of the school. Unexpectedly, areas such as bathrooms may not be the most germ-ridden, but they should still be cleaned regularly. However, high-traffic areas like cafeteria trays and desktops may be more likely to have significant levels of germs and bacteria.

At The company of cleans, we understand the importance of keeping these and other areas clean to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. We strive to not only create a clean environment, but to minimize the spread of bacteria and germs in this high-traffic area.